Monthly Archives: July 2013

Sandy Florian reviews door of thin skins

in HTML Giant: The retina is brain tissue that lines the inner surface of the eye, captures images of the visual world, and communicates them to the brain. continue reading here…  

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Brenda Sieczkowski reviews door of thin skins

in Tarpaulin Sky! Shira Dentz’s hybrid poetry/prose memoir, door of thin skins, opens on a scene with Dr. Abe in his “watering hole,” the New York penthouse apartment-turned-office where the 60-year-old psychotherapist sees city patients. Here, too, we are introduced … Continue reading

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Eileen Tabios, editor of Galatea Resurrects, blogs–

in The Blind Chatelaine’s Keys: DOOR OF THIN SKINS, poems by Shira Dentz (poems which as a sum (as a collection) is more than its parts (individual poems). Good example—an urgent motivation—as to why poetry should be more than verse. … Continue reading

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An interview on OmniVerse–

PEPPER LUBOFF interviews me about door of thin skins in July’s OmniVerse (Omnidawn Publishing’s blog) here:

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